Friday, April 18, 2008


Originally uploaded by alecweinstein
It was by serendipity that I came across this jovian, melliferous cherry tree. Life is truly wonderful. i spent the day at the beach yesterday, a friend and i being the only ones there. it was so serene, and i shall return soon. (krigsman) the radish seedlings are robust and prolific, and i shall be thinning them out today. the lettuce has emerged in the 78(!) degree heat today.(my home) Notes for next year.... Do not use Peat moss! start nasturtiums outside! do not overwater! buy impatiens, do not start from seed!(my life) i am writing a romantic short story in jane austen format. i will elucidate later. the sea yesterday inspired me to write a poem entitled "on Youth". the tulips are blooming, and the grass is like verdure rich.i must run. my apologies.

P.S. i shall be planting dahlia this afternoon, and will be posting!


Petunia's Gardener said...

Sounds like spring! some radishes have sprouted here. We had a little snow again today. Definitely a spring to be remembered. Enjoy the weekend.

chey said...

Enjoyable post! You have a lot on your plate:)!

Viooltje said...

What a lovely cherry tree. The greatest joy of early spring. Keep up the great work and good luck with your 'misadventures'.
