Sunday, April 27, 2008

Gardening As A Theatre

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and are little lives are rounded with a sleep".- William Shakespeare, The Tempest

It is 1621, in fall bleak and sombre. every step on the rotting flora releases a crimson blood that pervades the sylvan hearth. the auspicious winds of spring, and profusion of summer have acquired a phantasmagoric quality, and we are infused with dolour. We tentatively hold a feast thanking god for the foison, though uncertain the quantity will last us through the austerity of winter.

Imagine this despondent scene. We, in our endless bounty thanks to technological milestones, will most likely never encounter such a doleful occasion once again, with the exception of third world countries. Gardener, return to the days of yore. get yourself in the mindset beginning in late winter. though we must primarily utilize a computer to order seeds, we must order a quantity( and variety) of flora that will get us through summer and winter. yes, this is but a pretence of necessity, however, when we as gardeners view our task as secondary or tertiary, and not imperative to our survival, we slack off, and sometimes plants succumb due to our indolence. however, if we view our task of planting palatable flora as incumbent for survival, the laissez-faire philosophy pertaining to gardening will be eradicated, we will be viewing a more bountiful harvest, and by saving seeds(as they did in times past) we shall be saving money. Now, dear reader, by no means am i stating that we should not utilize modern means of cultivation, we should simply pretend that it is times past in terms of be attentive to our plants needs( observing them with assiduity) and the quantity/variety of plants you buy. in fact, i have plans for planting a great deal of palatable flora next year. i shall be sharing my garden plans with you. hold this philosophy dear to you, ignore the absurd quotidian routine of the times, and return to the garden. not only will you see a positive change in your verdure, but in yourself, too. Indolence is lovely, but gets us nowhere.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Originally uploaded by alecweinstein
It was by serendipity that I came across this jovian, melliferous cherry tree. Life is truly wonderful. i spent the day at the beach yesterday, a friend and i being the only ones there. it was so serene, and i shall return soon. (krigsman) the radish seedlings are robust and prolific, and i shall be thinning them out today. the lettuce has emerged in the 78(!) degree heat today.(my home) Notes for next year.... Do not use Peat moss! start nasturtiums outside! do not overwater! buy impatiens, do not start from seed!(my life) i am writing a romantic short story in jane austen format. i will elucidate later. the sea yesterday inspired me to write a poem entitled "on Youth". the tulips are blooming, and the grass is like verdure rich.i must run. my apologies.

P.S. i shall be planting dahlia this afternoon, and will be posting!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Unfortunately, i have been bombarded with an absurd amount of homework. i have midterms tommorow. However, tomorrow afternoon i shall be posting once again. in the mean time, my radishes have almost completely sprouted, there diminutive forms not truly visible from afar. i have from April 16- 28 off from school, and will be gardening/reading/blogging/writing/reading/reading poe, shakespeare, quantum mechanics, earth science,de montaigne, karl marx, sociology,the napoleanic wars/augmenting my vocabulary/ writing anecdotes for my prelude to the tempest, short horror stories, non-stop. I cannot wait! as of now, the platitude of school beckons. arrrgggghhhhhh!

p.s. i will be buying pansies/ hyacinth shortly! And photographing the design of the pots!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A return to gardening!

Originally uploaded by alecweinstein
Finally, my burden of work has been alleviated! i have returned to gardening. This diminutive radish sprouts have been popping with the mild weather lately, and my lettuce seedlings are so prolific in their growth, and will be transplanted next week. the cherry blossoms(sans kwanzan) are blooming, and the Bradford pear trees will be shortly. check out my page on Flickr to view my blooming neighborhood. (krigsman) Today, I have finally finished planting the radishes, and with warm weather expected in the near future, they should be sprouting within days. lettuce will be transplanted by Sunday.(home) i planted 3 varieties of Zinnia today, as well as other marigold seeds.(my life) the taming of the shrew is wonderful, thought biased and chauvinistic. By June, i will continue writing my prelude to the tempest. In order to build character development, i must read the republic, ethics, on war, kidnapped, and michel de montaigne's essays. I am also thinking of imbuing the story with Adam and Eve and other biblical allusions. In english class, we are reading the wonderful, wonderful POE! i can not wait to write short horror stories. here are 3 possibilities- the house by the sea, in which an old war veteran is taken under the hoodwink of night by the people he murdered and drowned in the sea, crimson leaves, in which a young girl is murdered walking home on a bleak November afternoon, and finally, the cabin in the Conneticut woods, in which a mother and young girl are raped and murdered. morbid, eh? well, i am a morose person at times, and jovian at others. i am beginning to comprehend Quantum Mechanics.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Prismatic daffodills

Originally uploaded by alecweinstein
I discovered these gorgeous, jocund daffodills in the Krigsmans backyard by luck. they are simply stunning. While cleaning up the damage from a severe thunderstorm this afternoon, there hues suddenly caught my eye. i was in shock, as i have been using this allotment for 2 years and have failed to notice these beforehand. click on my flickr widget to view more photos.(Krigsman) I will most likely finish sowing radishes tommorow. the aforementioned ones are showing no signs of germination.yet. ( home) Today i sowed the lettuce i purchased Sunday, Burpee" Black seeded simpson" and "royale mix". i transported the double impatiens mini-greenhouse downstairs where the heat mat is located. ( my life)
i have put off A Tale Of Two cities, and i am reading The Taming Of the shrew in its place. this afternoon i plan on beginning Act 2 in the prelude to the Tempest.

p.s. My Mocca Pink tuberous begonias should be arriving this week!