Sunday, April 13, 2008


Unfortunately, i have been bombarded with an absurd amount of homework. i have midterms tommorow. However, tomorrow afternoon i shall be posting once again. in the mean time, my radishes have almost completely sprouted, there diminutive forms not truly visible from afar. i have from April 16- 28 off from school, and will be gardening/reading/blogging/writing/reading/reading poe, shakespeare, quantum mechanics, earth science,de montaigne, karl marx, sociology,the napoleanic wars/augmenting my vocabulary/ writing anecdotes for my prelude to the tempest, short horror stories, non-stop. I cannot wait! as of now, the platitude of school beckons. arrrgggghhhhhh!

p.s. i will be buying pansies/ hyacinth shortly! And photographing the design of the pots!


Anonymous said...

first of all, the above "anonymous" is CRUEL!! they clearly have no perception of what true talent is!

you, alec, are unbelievably gifted, and i am privileged to witness the documentation of your brilliance on this blog.

my name is gregory. i go to a small, very WASP-y school in the city, and i feel my own discontent in your tortured poetry. my greatest hope is that one day i shall meet you, and we can flee our social constrictions together, and run to a place where we can finally be together (perhaps las vegas).
i am enthralled in the very thought of you, and cannot wait to make your acquaintance.

with love,

Anonymous said...

i'm in love with gregory. no joke