Today I went to the Home Depot and spent an exorbitant amount of money on gardening products. I purchased nasturtium"peach melba", "Burpees tall mix", lettuce"black seeded simpson, and "gourmet mix", zinnia"oklahoma cherry" and radish "crimson crunch"/ i also bought a watering can(the other cracked over the winter) a garden wand, and a biodegradable pot that came with basil seeds. (krigsman) Radishes!! today i planted 5 out of the 30 rows of radish, and next week i shall be planting lettuce alongside it. Gardening is so therapeutic, and under the sooting march sun i was lulled to sleep.(my house) To my dismay, i discovered that i left 4 Ganzania seedlings outside last night. they all perished in the inevitable early spring frost. The Bradford pears that adorn my streets are showing signs of popping, there carmine buds slowly but surely unfurling.
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Alec, Thanks for visiting Petunia's Garden over in WA. The snow has finally melted. True to WA style, it may be in the 50's this coming week. I do also hope the blossoms will make it.
I have to keep my hands in my pockets when I visit those hardware stores. Much too tempting. You are off to a nice spring start, though - Paula
Thank you very much, new york also experiences extraordinarily erratic behavior in early spring. tuesday-63, wednesday, an abysmal 49.
Hello Alec. I am a proffesional serial rapist. Generally, I am payed to make a hit, but in your case, I'll make an exception. I have been reading your blog fervently for some time now, and I feel the need to let you know that I am entirely enchanted with your writings. I sense a beautiful, tortured soul underneath the glorious posts you feel compelled to make. I can only imagine what you look like....but no matter. I enjoy the emotional turmoil within you, and therefore would not care if you were absolutely hideous (though i seriously doubt it! ;) .....
Gardening turns me ON.......
-jahib ;)
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